ISSN 1851-0027
A�o 2008. N�mero 2: 110-128
Los Colorados (Provincia de La Rioja). Un caso de planificacion interpretativa
Recibido el 21 de abril de 2008. Aceptado el 16 de mayo de 2008
Mar�a P�a Falchi
Instituto Nacional de Antropolog�a y Pensamiento Latinoamericano
Marcelo A. Torres
Instituto Nacional de Antropolog�a y Pensamiento Latinoamericano
The public use of cultural resources can constitute an economic alternative, and can also be an incentive to reduce emigration. Nevertheless, it has to develop in a rational and sustainable way trough management plans with the participation of local community. The aim of this article is to apply concepts of cultural heritage interpretation and conservation to a specific case: Los Colorados (La Rioja). These will be used as a base to develop sustainable cultural tourism. One of the main aspects of this plan is to elaborate, for both locals and visitors, a brief view of the past through rock art. In a second stage, we intend to integrate archeological sites with other historical places in order to offer the visitor a wider historical vision.
Keys words
Tourism; rock art; cultural resources