ISSN 1851-0027
A�o 2008. N�mero 2: 129-144
Estructuraci�n social y producci�n agr�cola prehisp�nica durante el primer milenio d.C. en el Valle de Taf�
(Tucum�n, Argentina)[1]
Recibido el 2 de febrero de 2008. Aceptado el 20 de febrero de 2008
Tesista: Valeria Leticia Franco Salvi
Becaria CONICET. Centro de Estudios Hist�ricos Prof C. A. Segretti.
Director: Dr. Eduardo E. Berberi�n
CONICET. Centro de Estudios Hist�ricos Prof C A Segretti
This project tries to delineate the main aims the explanatory frame of an investigation that will have as essential problematic the analysis of the different agricultural production strategies implemented during the first millennium A.D. with the purpose of recognizing, by means of a multiple variable study, the processes of change that went on at economic and social levels in the North area of the Taf� Valley (Province of Tucum�n, Argentine Republic).
Key Words
Archaeology; Agriculture; Structuration; Taf� Valley