ISSN 1851-0027

A�o 2007. N�mero 3: 132-153

Aporte de la Tafonom�a L�tica al Estudio de Distribuciones Artefactuales en Ambientes Lacustres: el Caso del Sistema Lacustre al Sur Del Lago Argentino

Recibido el 14 de agosto de 2007. Aceptado el 29 de octubre de 2007

Karen Borazzo

Karen Borrazzo

CONICET, Departamento de Investigaciones Prehist�ricas y arqueol�gicas, IMHICIHU.

E-mail: .


This paper presents a taphonomic discussion from lithic artifacts perspective (Borrazzo 2004, 2006; Hiscock 1985). Its main goal is to provide formational information relevant for discussing the impact of a lacustrine environment on the regional configuration of the archaeological record. This proposal is applied to the case study of Southern Lacustrine System of Lago Argentino (Santa Cruz, Argentina). A taphonomic analisys is designed and applied to several samples of lithic artifacts recovered within the basin.

Keywords: lithic taphonomy, lacustrine environment, flaked stone artifacts.