ISSN 1851-0027
A�o 2007. N�mero 3: 132-153
Aporte de la Tafonom�a L�tica al Estudio de Distribuciones Artefactuales en Ambientes Lacustres: el Caso del Sistema Lacustre al Sur Del Lago Argentino
Recibido el 14 de agosto de 2007. Aceptado el 29 de octubre de 2007
Karen Borazzo
CONICET, Departamento de Investigaciones Prehist�ricas y arqueol�gicas, IMHICIHU.
E-mail: .
This paper presents a taphonomic discussion from lithic artifacts perspective (Borrazzo 2004, 2006; Hiscock 1985). Its main goal is to provide formational information relevant for discussing the impact of a lacustrine environment on the regional configuration of the archaeological record. This proposal is applied to the case study of Southern Lacustrine System of Lago Argentino (Santa Cruz, Argentina). A taphonomic analisys is designed and applied to several samples of lithic artifacts recovered within the basin.
Keywords: lithic taphonomy, lacustrine environment, flaked stone artifacts.