ISSN 1851-0027
A�o 2007. N�mero 1: 32- 51.
The Argentinian Sierras Centrales first inhabitants. The earliest evidences in "El Alto 3" site (Dpto. Punilla, C�rdoba)
Diego Rivero
C�tedra de Prehistoria y Arqueolog�a, U.N.Cba. � CONICET
e-mail: �
El Alto 3 site is a foremost archaeological locality in the C�rdoba mountains region (central Argentina). This relevance lies in the fact that it records the earliest stages of the C�rdoba Mountains exploration and colonization , between 11.000 and 7.000 years BP. This report focuses on the findings made at the oldest layers of the site and discusses about the human peopling process in the region.